Hello from Our New Chief Executive, Linda Wallace

I am delighted to have joined PHA Homes and to have the opportunity to lead such a resident focused and high performing team. I want to record my thanks to Denise Rajchel who has led PHA Homes so brilliantly for many years. She has left the organization in terrific shape and with a legacy of really caring about people and about providing great homes and services. We will try to live up to her high standards as we continue to focus on these critically important things.

My entire career has been in housing, working my way up from copy typist to Chief Executive and having been involved in housing management, maintenance, development and governance along the way. I have worked for both large and small landlords over that time. Most recently, I led a London based housing association which supported and promoted co-operatives and community led housing solutions – such as community land trusts.

I live locally and am excited that PHA Homes has such a powerful sense of place and community. We very much hope to build on these deep roots, thinking always about how the work that we do can also help local people, local businesses and the local area to thrive.

I will look forward to meeting with and hearing from many of you over the months and years ahead.