Get involved

Get Involved

We are committed to providing the highest quality service to our residents at the most affordable price. We believe that tenant & resident engagement in the decision-making process is fundamental to introduce the customer perspective when trying to achieve the right balance between the quality of service and its costs.

PHA Homes will:

  • Encourage and support the formation of a new tenant engagement panel (TEP), which will be consulted on decisions affecting all tenants & residents living in PHA homes stock.
  • Consult all tenants & residents about any major decisions affecting the management or service delivery at their home.
  • Consult all affected tenants & residents on a yearly basis in regards planned maintenance or improvement works to their homes.
  • Regularly canvas tenants & residents’ views on the quality of service provided through resident satisfaction surveys and a variety of more local feedback questionnaires.
  • Invite tenants & residents to join working parties to review our service standards.
  • Support our tenant engagement panel (TEP) to monitor how the Association delivers on its service standards.

We have tenant representation on our Board of Management which helps give an ideal platform for our tenant’s & residents voices to be heard at Board level.

As a small local housing association PHA Homes likes to engage with our tenants & residents when making decisions that affect their homes and we are always looking to recruit new members to the successful tenant engagement panel (TEP) so that we are gaining as wide a perspective as possible.

If you would like to get involved then please contact us on 01730 263589 or via email on and our Head of Services would be happy to discuss this further with you.

Estate Walkabouts – keep an eye out for our Spring newsletter, Chatterbox,  which will detail times and locations.


“The contractors did a great job, thanks!”

Mr P

“I love my new kitchen, thank you.”

Miss E